Are the products cruelty free?

Yes, Dream babe cosmetics supports and provide cruelty-free products.

What courier do we use?

We use USPS.

 I received wrong products.

Please contact Dreambabecc@gmail.com within 4 days after the product has been delivered.

I placed an order. When will my package arrive?

The processing time will take 1-4 days. And the delivery time will take 2-4 days within the United States.

Can I cancel my order?

Once you received a confirmation email then we can’t cancel orders anymore. All sales are final.

I have not received my order confirmation, what should I do?

Please allow 24 hours for recent purchases to reflect.

I entered the wrong address, what now?

Contact dreambabecc@gmail.com within 24 hours or before the shipment has been processed. 

I lost my package. What should I do?

Dream babe cosmetics is not responsible for lost packages. Please contact USPS If your tracking number said it arrived and you never received it, please contact USPS.

Dream babe cosmetics is not responsible if your package is shipped to a wrong address and will not offer a refund.  Please review your address before placing order.

How do you calculate your shipping cost?

Our shipping cost is calculated by weight and your location automatically. We offer cheap shipping which is USPS first class mail .With every shipment a USPS tracking number will be provided .